Thursday, January 14, 2010

One Month, Two Days, Three Hours...But No One's Counting

In the midst of all my friends ALREADY abroad and me sitting at home alone I decided to start a blog. This blog will act as my travel journal as well so all my very interested friends and family can live vicariously through my Parisian adventures *sarcasm*. I am not as witty or clever as my fellow bloggers but with the help of a friend (shout out to Harrison) I was able to create a successful title, isn't that really the most important part?
Right now I have friends residing in Rome, Barcelona, Garnada, London, Florence, and soon to be Paris. Thankfully I just applied for my visa last Monday so I'm at least starting the process. I'm not bitter that I leave so late I just am getting jealous. At least I have a whole crew leaving to study business in Paris this weekend to give me all the details so I'm completely prepared when I get there.
I really have nothing else to say except welcome to my blog and I probably won't be reporting back to it for another month unless something extremely interesting comes up in Northbrook. But for now I hope that everyone over sea's is having an incredible time and to all my friends heading back to school, I can't wait to see you when I come visit next week! Au Revoir!