Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Hi all! Usually I use my blog to procrastinate my homework but I actually finished it all at a decent hour and thought I should give an update!

So Monday...I woke up and like a true Parisian went straight to a boulangerie. I bought a baguette and then stuck it in my purse. I know it's normal in Paris to do that but every time I even took a bite or looked at my purse I couldn't help but giggle. The people on the metro just stared. The baguette in the bag was a good idea initially but then when I finished i realized my purse is now full of crumbs...lovely! So I was off to my first class Monday, history, which I really am still enjoying. After a short three hours of that not much was really going on. I just went back home and hung out. Then I had dinner with my host mom. I felt bad, she had chicken for me but it was very spicey so she ended up just making me plain noodles.

On Tuesday morning I set out to have a Paris adventure. I met Julie at a bagle place with delicious bagels on the same street as me. That was a great find Julie thank you!! After bagels I went back to Julie's apartment and she made plans for my day. I was going to see the Musee D'Orangine. Once I got there unfortunatly it was closed. Wait actually ALL MUSEUMS are closed on Tuesdays! What a lame day to have no class. I ended up walking around the 1eme and then around the Bastille area for a while. Three very cold hours later I ended up back home. First I napped for a very long time. Then I decided to look up everything there is to do on Tuesdays in Paris. I will not be having a boring day again!!

This morning I woke up for my earliest class, theater. It was quite difficult to sit through today but the thoughts of the activities after kept me awake. After class I went to the terrace of the building we have our IPP classes. It was an absolutly beautiful view of Paris. I had a crepe with eggs and cheese in it, very reminicent of an omlette. After lunch Erin, Caroline and I went and did some shopping around the St. Michele area and then by the Galaries Lafayette where they have some bigger store names. I bought a shirt nothign too exciting. After shopping I went over to Julie's for a little while. We wanted to venture out so we walked a while. Julie got to meet host tango lady and see my room which was not very clean. After that we went to a cafe and she had some coffee and I had some chocolate chaud. Then we had to go to Becca Winters apartment for Julie to pick up a book for school. When we walked in she was skyping with Marissa. Cool! After heading back home I have just been sitting in my bed and doing homework ever since. Can't wait for better updated from the weekend!! Hope everyones having a good week!

1 comment:

  1. I love that I'm all over this post. Thanks again for coming to save me Wednesday!!!!! I love you!
