Thursday, April 15, 2010

Breif Update

HI all! This has been one hell of a week from hell so I just wanted to give a short update before SPRING BREAK tomorrow! On Monday I finally had a good chance to sleep in and then I had history class from 2-5. After class me and Maya headed home because I had my first real dinner with my host family! It was so nice. We had salad and couscous and chicken and mashed potatoes, and then cheese and bread for dessert. Very different than Tango mom style dinners. After dinner was major time to study and work on my papers.

Tuesday was my day off but it wasn't anything exciting like usual. I had to go to Victor Hugo's house in the morning for extra credit. Then I walked around that area and tried to find a bathing suite for spring break. I was completely unsuccessful and bought a shirt instead. I went home and made my self work on my paper and study up until 8:00. I headed out around then to go meet up with the Gumbiners for dinner. We had a really nice dinner at a restaurant called Market, right off the Champs Elysee. Dinner was fun and long and it was so nice to be with some home in Paris. After dinner I rushed home to study hard core for my Theater test.

Theater test Wednesday! My first of three for the week. The test was different than any test I have taken in the States. It was only one page long, even though we had covered so much information. I was really happy with how the test went. After theater Beth helped me edit my paper due for my Paris class. Then I ran home to edit my paper some more and study. At around 6:00 I headed out to go see a play with my program. The play was called "Promenade de Sante." Everyone said it was really good but with my lack of French understanding and my extrememe exhaustion, I really didn't understand most of it. It was only an hour long. It also starred Melanie Laurent. She was one of the main characters of Inglorious Bastards, and she has been in a few other French films I have seen. She's a pretty big celebrity so that's pretty cool. Then after the play I went back to studying.

Today I handed in my two papers for Paris class, that was a nice relief. Then I had my litt test. It was five short answer questions and they were all really opiniony like- who was your favorite character and why? So hopefully I knew enough about the books for it to go okay. After class I met up for dinner with Julie where we found a 3 course meal for 12 euros- pas mal. The food made me sick in the end so I guess we know how they get there cheap prices. That leads me to where I am now. Procrastinating studying for my phonetics test tommorow, and procrastinating packing for Greece and Italy. I start my 16 day vacation tommorow so I will unfortunately be lacking on the blog posts. But don't worry when I come back I will have pages and pages for everyone to read! Get excited!!

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