Friday, April 23, 2010

Spring Break Week 1

Spring break week one is continuing and we are all making the best out of the week off we have in Paris. On Wednesday Sean, Maya, Mari, Brian, Chanice, Jaquline, Amy and I all met up for a picnic at this beautiful park in the 19th. I don't even know how to describe the park. There was a giant rock that you could climb through all these bridges and what not. There was also an incredible waterfall. My words can't describe it but maybe my pictures can. After our picnic and exploring the park we walked over to a bakery and everyone got some sweets. An old man came up to Sean and told him he was going to marry Jaquline and have nine children with her. Ohh the crazy people we meet in Paris. From there Chanice, Jaquline and Amy left us and the rest of us went to walk around the Latin Quarter. We ended up at a Ben and Jerrys and sat there and talked until they kicked us out. Then Maya and I just went home and called it an early night. Lot's of American television catching up.

On Thursday Maya and I went to the Rodin museum. This museum is mostly based outside. It is a bunch of sculptures by Rodin. One of the most famous sculptures there was the Thinker. We walked around the inside and outside exhibits. It was a beautiful day, which I am totally getting used to. It's a whole different type of Paris when it's nice outside. After the museum I met up with Julie and heard all about her and Amanda's crazy fun nights. Very tired I took a nap till around five. I then met up with Maya and Sean for some food, pizza (preperation for Italy). Then we walked up and down St. Michele till we were all just tired. I came home and then went to bed.

Today Maya and I went to see Pere Lacheise. This is a giant cemetary with many famous people buried in it. It is HUGE and super overwhelming. We just kept walking through graves and graves and graves. Fun stuff right? We made a list of famous people's graves we wanted to see and actually was pretty successful. The pictures are of Oscar Wilde's grave, which have people's kisses all over it, Chopin's grave, Jim Morrison's grave, and Moliere and La Fontaine's grave. A few hours later of very confusing directions, and lots of getting lost we figured our way out of the cemetary and hopped on the metro to the Jardin de Tuleries. We met up with Sean because they were going to see the Musee de L'Orangerie. Since I had already been I stayed and sunbathed in the Jardin de Tulieres. Maya called me when she was done with the museum and her and Sean came to find me. I learned that Sean didn't even go in the museum, he just did the same thing as me. Brian ended up showing up at the museum as well so we waited for him to finish looking at the exhibits. Then I grabbed some ice cream and we walked over the Latin Quarter. I went to the internet cafe to print out all my flight information for tomorw. Then Mari came and found us. We walked down St. Michele looking for food. Sean got pizza, a few stops later Mari and Maya got Lebanese food, and a few stops later me and Brian got noodles (more preperation for Italy). After that we were all completly satisfied and hopped on the metro over to see a mini Statue of Liberty. On our way we saw the Vel D'Hiv memorial and so I brought everyone over to it. Two men were just sitting on it, just using it like a bench, so pathetic. We sat around the Statue of Liberty for a little and then headed our own ways.

That's where I leave you now. I just finished packing for Italy and Barcalona!! My bag is completly stuffed and I plan on getting more stuff when I get there!! I am so excited and really hoping that I actually have tickets for the plane tomrmow. The easyjet website has not been working very well for me so cross your fingers that I make it on that plane tomrow! I need to go to be right now because I am waking up super early and it's already very late. I'll post more in 10 days!

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