Friday, May 28, 2010


I have been so bad with updating my blog these past few weeks!! This post won't be too exciting considering this week hasn't been too exciting. On Monday after I dropped Brian off I went home and straight to sleep. I slept all day and tried to sleep my allergies away until about 5:00. At that point I went over to Erin's dorm, Tolbiac, to make some macaroni and cheese. Caroline, her visitors, and Erin were all making curry but me with my eating habits wanted to be included, but not badly enough to try curry. After dinner at around 8:00 a few more people came over and we all watched the last episode of Lost. It was so nice watching Lost with people, so I wasn't the only person sitting alone and confused. After a puzzeling 2 and a half hours we went to go get crepes back over by my house. We ran into a few other people from my program at the metro stop and I was going to go out with them, but I was just feeling way too sick for that so I just went home and went to bed.

On Tuesday morning Maya and I were going to wake up and go to the catacombs but everyone who gonna go happened to wake up with a headache. I on the other hand still felt like crap from the 80 degree Paris weather. I went to grab a sandwhich with Maya and walk her to class but I started feeling really sick so I ran home and went to sleep. I woke up at around 5 and went to meet Beth at the Pasteur metro stop because we were going to walk together to our cooking class! One of the excursions for our program was a cooking class. Half our program did it Tuesday, and half on Wednesday. It was really fun. I thought it would be like an industrial size kitchen where we all had our own stations and stuff, but it was really just at this womans house on her dining room table. We made potatoes au gratin with lots of cheese and an apple cake. They were both really delicious and it was a really fun night. Rydberg, Sean and I ended up talking about Lost for 2 hours but we still were kind of caught up in the series finale aftermath. After the cooking class I headed home with Maya and from there I just went to bed.

Wednesday I had started feeling a little better due to a Z-Pack and rain!! The rain started washing away all pollan and cooled down the air so much. I had theater in the morning, which was nothing too exciting. Then Rydberg, Brian, Beth, Caroline, Michael, and Gavin all went to lunch at this Italian place we tend to go to on St. Michele. It was a nice fun big lunch, and of course we got gelato afterwards and hung out in the Jardin du Luxoumbourg. We parted ways and I went home and then two hours later I was on the metro heading outside of Paris. We were going to see a play for theater that was just so out of the way from everyone. It's called Roberto Zucco. It was dark and scary and eerie and there was some nakedness in it. We all kind of agreed it was kind of a waste of four hours (2 hours of play, 2 hours of travel time). Then we all went our seperate ways and I didn't get home till around midnight.

On Thursday we had a walking tour of Momarte for Paris class. I love getting out of the classroom and actually doing stuff for that class. Momarte is a hill in the 18th of Paris where Sacre Cour is located. We walked around the area and then to Sacre Cour. A lot of the books we have read for that class have taken place in that area so that's why we went around that area. After the walking tour we went to a place similar to noodles for lunch (great thing I discovered it at the end of the trip because it was really good and that would just add more to the obnoxious amount of weight I've gained). Then I had litt class at the Institute Catholique. A brutal 3 hours (and 20 min, she kept us late) later I was headed back home in the pouring rain without an umbrella. I got home and rested a little and then at 7:00 Maya and her parents came over. We had champaign, snacks, and cake and I was more full after that then a usual host dinner. It was funny to see the host parents act all nice and cordial in front of Maya's parents. Me and Maya even played piano (heart and soul) and they danced along. I have some great pictures that will come up here soon. After snacks (2 and a half hours later) Maya and I walked her parents back to their hotel and then walked back home, talked for a while, and then I had to pack up for this weekends adventure to wine country: Bordeaux France!

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