Friday, May 7, 2010


If you can't tell I am getting very lazy with the names of my blogs. This was my first week back in Paris after spring break and boy was it nice to be back in familiar territory. On Tuesday I didn't have any class. I woke up and headed towards school area to meet up with Lauren to plan our trip to Nice. That actually isn't happening any more because it just doesn't work out with our schedules :( After catching up about spring breaks for a few hours she had to go to class and I walked over to the 4eme to go to the Musee Carnavelet. This is the history of Paris museum. It was interesting and free so gave me something to do on my day off. After the museum I headed over to the Champs Elysee to meet up with JILLIAN who was visiting from London. I met up with her and her boyfriend and we walked down the Champs. Around an hour later I had to leave them to meet up with Erin and Caroline at the train station to buy or train tickets to Amsterdam. Wow did ticket prices go up! We ended up not buying the tickets and figured we would figure something else out later. I came home expecting host family dinner but my host mom was going to be late so she left everything out for me and Maya to make ourselves. All the precooked things were good, but she left out raw meet for us to cook. That was pretty much a disaster. It tasted fine but both of us aren't very skilled in the kitchen. I'm just glad because it's been a few days now and I didn't get sick at all. After dinner I just came up stairs and did some homework and hung out with Maya until falling asleep.

On Wednesday I had theater as usual and after theater Beth, Brian and I went to Le Pavillion de l'Arsenal. I am still not sure what it is but we went for extra credit for our Paris class. It has huge timelines of the development of Paris and lots of mini models of the city throughout the years. It was pretty cool and something I would have never seen with out being told to go there. Usually Wednesdays I like to go exploring but it was way to cold today. I just went home. A few hours after I got home my host mom got home and she brought her two year old grandson with her. He was adorable and I had the best time playing with him all night. Such a nice break from everything. I then had host family dinner and it was nice because I was just playing with the little boy the whole time. After dinner I went upstairs, did some homework and then went to bed.

Thursday started with our Paris class going on an excursion to the La Defense area of Paris. It is very modern with all the sky scarpers and other modern looking building. We had a mini walking tour in that area and then went to the Les Halles area to look at a little more architecture. After that class I busted over to Litt and sat/slept through 3 hours of that awesome class. After litt I went to dinner with Collie. We got French onigon soup which I was craving because it has been so cold out recently. Then we walked over to the Opera Garnier for a ballet! The Opera Garnier is the setting for the Phantom of the Opera. They really do have canals and passageways under the opera and the chandler really is incredible!

We all found our seats and watched the ballet. It was called "Hommage a Jerome Robbins." He was the choreographer of West Side Story so some of the numbers were really reminiscent of the dancing from that show. The show was composed of 4 different ballets and two intermissions. During the intermissions we walked around the opera and just took so many pictures because it was so beautiful. After the ballet a ton of us went over to Eden Park Bar on rue de princess. We all went to the basement and took over! We had a really fun dance party. It was great because there were so many people out. I had a really great night and headed home at around 12:30ish.

This morning I had theater class and then phonetics. Nothing really too exciting. After class Erin and I met up with Lauren and went to Chinese food for dinner. Now I am just avoiding homework (per usual) and sitting in bed with a stomach ache. This week I feel like I took it easy homework wise but next week I have a ton of work to do. I'm totally dreading it but I know I need to get all my work done for all the plans have a coming up these next 6 weeks!

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