Sunday, June 6, 2010


Friday started off pretty normal. I had theater and then phonetics. In phonetics we basically had a pop final exam which wasn't very fun. It didn't matter though cause all of us could only think about our weekend plans during theses classes- camping. We were so luck Alla and John put together a whole camping excursion outside of Paris. Our trip started at Chatlet where we lugged all our gear around to get on the RER D. We rode the RER D for about an hour and ended up in a town called Malherbs. The camp site was in a town over so we were so lucky that Kate had a friend in Paris that let her borrow her car. Kate was nice enough to come shuttle everyone from the train station to the camp sight. The camp sight was awesome. It was really clean and really organzied. There were even bathrooms! Not used to that when I go camping. We were the last group of people to arrive there so everyone was really excited once our whole group was complete. All the tents and everything had been set up, so we started a fire on the grill we had. For dinner a lot of people made hot dogs and baked potatoes but me in my pickiness just snacked on some chips and cookies. We all sat around for a while under the stars singing songs and just goofing around. We got yelled at a few times for being too loud, but what do we really care? Exhausted from the day I passed out knowing that it would be an early morning Saturday.

Saturday morning we all woke up to the excrutiating heat coming into our tents at around 9am. At that point we started making breakfast. I'm still not sure why but breakfast took about 3 hours to make. We had crepes and scrambled eggs. It wasn't too bad at all. Then we all changed into our swim suites and decided to walk to the town over to go to a swimming pool. Unfortunatly there was no lake at our camp sight. A few people decided to go hiking, and Kate was in that group so she used her car. Us on the other hand figured it was only 3k away so we decided to walk. What we thought would be a half hour turned into an hour and a half. It was okay, we sang, and saw beautiful small French suburbs on the way. When we finally got to the pool we couldn't have been happier to be there. The pool was really nice but the thing that impressed us the most was this huge high ropes course with zip lining ahead of us. We didn't really look into doing it cause it would cost an extra fee but it was still pretty cool. We swam for a little while which was really nice and refreshing. Then we decided to grab some ice cream and play a few round of mafia. We played 3 times and then realized it was 5:30. We knew that we had a long walk home a head of us so we left the pool around then. We walked back home and then Kate, Maya, Diane and I went to the grocery store to get some food to make for dinner. I had chicken, pasta and a baked potato for dinner. I made up for my bad meal the night before. The cooking worked on really well, I'm really impressed with everyone that helped- I on the other hand could only really help out with doing the dishes. After dinner we went over to this area that had ping pong and hung out around there (there was a little more light there than in our camp sight). We all hung around there talking and laughing for a couple of hours and then super tired headed back to our tents. Unfortunately my allergies had been completly outrageous all night. I couldnt breath out of my nose and so sleep didn't really happen for me last night. I watched a lot of office and counted down the hours till we woke up.

This morning everyone woke up around 7:00 to rain. It was only a light shower but I was still happy it started to rain the day we left! We packed up our tents and all our stuff and then Kate started shuttling people back to the train station. We got on the train at 10:17 and took the hour and half ride back to Paris. We made it home by 12 but at this point I am so exhausted I feel like it's 8:00pm. I just showered, did my blog, and now am heading for a nap.

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