Friday, June 4, 2010

Les Miserables

As the time keeps winding down my third week left of France has just gone by. Let's start with Monday. I woke up late probably stayed in bed and then went to my 2:00 class. She handed out our take home final which, when you think of take home finals you usually think of long essays, was literally multiple choice questions, and fill in the blank dates. An actual test that you take at home. Again one of the many reasons I love that class. After class I just went home with Maya. She went to dinner for her parents last night here and I started making noodles in the kitchen. I like to cook on Mondays because my host family isn't home till late so it's not awkward cooking. Of course my host mom comes in the minute the water starts boiling so we sit in the kitchen together having a very awkward silent meal (it's really had to come up with conversation in French). I offered her noodles but they were the cheap monoprix brand so she refused. After that I just went home stairs and just procrastinated and procrastinated and procrastinated.

On Tuesday the weather wasn't great once again. I got up and took a walk over to Galleries Lafayette, Zara, and the book store. I was doing some shopping for presents for my sisters. I was pretty successful but I have no idea how I'm going to fit everything I've been buying here into my suitecases. Should be interesting. Then I went home to work on some homework for my two papers due Friday. We had host dinner Tuesday night but our host mom wasn't hungry so it was just us which was nice. Then back up to our rooms for facebook stalking.

Wednesday was a great day! I had class in the morning but after that Erin, Caroline and I decided to do some shopping around the vintage stores in Paris. We first walked down Rivoli and went to the Marais to look at those stores. Then we headed up to Momarte to go to this one specific store that we learned, of course, was closed on Wednesdays! Then we walked around some more and went to a square called Place de Tertre. This is a big square where artists come every day and people can go get portraits done of themselves. All different types of styles, with color, black and white, silhouettes etc. It's really fun to go watch them. We went to watch one guy who was awesome, but we spent a lot of time laughing at the guy next to him who made his girl look like she had two black eyes. We walked around the square and then went to sit at the steps of Sacre Cour. There were two guys playing music and they were so great! We knew every song and just relaxed there for a while in the sun while they played music. After sitting for a while we were all thirsty so we went over to a cafe for some coke. We split our separate way after because I was going to see Les Miserables at 8:00pm for a class. I got off the metro, went to a place similar to noodles for dinner. And then headed towards the theater. I met up with Maya, Beth and Collie outside and then we bought our programs and went in together. Our seats were on the second floor but they weren't bad at all. They could've been so much worse. We all were so excited and rightfully so, the show was fantastic! The two musicals I have seen in Europe have totally blown my mind. After the play Maya and I just went home and I spent some time skyping with my parents.

Thursday was a rough day. I had my usual class from 11-5 (5:20 she likes to keep us late). Then I thought I was going to go straight home and start working on finishing my two papers due today. I got home and I sat with Maya for a little because we are waiting to welcome the new host student coming today. Our host mom came home and started going crazy (cleaning etc) so we got out of there fast to go buy dinner. When we came home the new student was there so our host mom broke out the orange juice and we sat around talking and drinking orange juice. Her name is Georgia and she is british. She's very nice, but has long hours of class at the Cordon Bleu and is only here for 10 days so I'm not sure when we will get to see her but regardless she speaks English and is nice, I like her haha. Then Maya and I ate a quick dinner and ran upstairs to start doing work. I thought that it was going to take me a lot longer but I was done with homework at around 1:15am and asleep by 1:30. Not too bad for a lot of work.

Right now I am just giving a quick update because we have camping this weekend! Should be an experience, and I can't wait to fill you in on Sunday!

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